Esta foto de la página de Piet me ha hecho mucha gracia, los abuelitos son auténticos.
En la página de la Royal Horticultura Society también te dan las claves para crear tu propio borde inglés y hasta te lo vende online. ¡Que no sólo Piet sabe hacer mixed borders!
Desde la pequeña colina se puede ver muy bien el mixed border y el invernadero. Y si continuamos hacia el oeste entramos en la zona frutales de Wisley, donde manzanos en espaldera, perales y melocotoneros, esperan la primavera para ofrecer un expectáculo de flores.
The Wisley Greenhouse and Glasshouse is surrounded by » borders mixed» or English semicircular edges. Well as I said, this composition is connected with the rise to Battleson Hill through a line 150 meters long and 11 wide where Piet Oudolf created one of his most famous combinations few years ago, do not know exactly when.
From the small hill you can see very well the mixed border and the Glasshouse. And if we continue westward we enter into the Wisley fruit area where espalier apple, pear and peach trees, are waiting for the spring to provide his flower show.
Piet Oudolf has edited several books, and last one was launched in april 2013. It gives you an overview of the plants used. Since then they are a «must have».
On the Royal Horticulture Society website also is given the keys for creating your own english border and you can even buy the plants online. Not only Piet knows how to create mixed borders!